Thursday, August 6, 2009

Silence in the Present

They have discovered a common interest that doesn't include yelling at each other, having one-up the other, doesn't cost money and they actually laugh while they are doing it - Silent Movies! Unbelievable! Steven and Louis can sit and watch these things for hours on end. Louis watching with bated breath and Steven reading the subtitles. It is the most unbelievable thing I have seen these two do together.

Way back, when Louis was a baby, he acted like he has lived on this earth before. I know, I know, that sounds crazy. But, I was not the only one that thought this. My mother-in-law would always mention that also. He was such a "deep" baby. His thoughts seemed deep. He would look at the world like he was remembering a long lost friend. About a year ago, he started speaking of the "war" and how his friends and family were killed. He even created a song about it. I have it written down at home - I will blog about it later.

So, to watch him view these silent movies is just awesome. He has a connection to the past. As any mother would admit, their child is remarkable, but this child, my child, is truly a gift. A gift from the past? Maybe. A gift for the future? Possibly. But in the present world, he is my gift and I will be forever grateful of him in my life.

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